Annual Plenary Meeting
The purpose of the annual plenary meeting is to gather the complete SPPEXA community - PIs, doctoral researchers, and associates from all research consortia - once a year to foster the internal exchange, to discuss topics of overall relevance, and to ensure the co-designparadigm also on the level of SPPEXA's six research directions.
2019 Symposium
We warmly invite you to the SPPEXA Final Symposium 2019 which takes place in Dresden, October 21-23, 2019. More...
2019 APM
We warmly invite you to the SPPEXA Annual Plenary Meeting 2019 which takes place in Garching, Jan 22-23, 2019 More...
We warmly invite you to the SPPEXA Annual Plenary Meeting 2018 which takes place in Garching, March 21-22, 2018. More...
We warmly invite you to the SPPEXA Annual Plenary Meeting 2017 which takes place in Garching, March 20-22, 2017. More...
We warmly invite you to the SPPEXA Symposium which takes place in Garching, January 25-27, 2016. More...
We warmly invite you to the SPPEXA Annual Plenary Meeting 2015 which takes place in Garching, March 10-12, 2015. More...
The Annual Plenary Meeting 2014 is scheduled for April 2, 2014. More...
In 2013 the Annual Plenary Meeting is held on March 22 in Munich. More...