| Hans-Joachim Bungartz Informatics / Scientific Computing TU München Boltzmannstr. 3 85748 Garching Germany bungartz@remove-this.in.tum.de |
 | Wolfgang E. Nagel Informatics / Computer Architecture ZIH Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing TU Dresden Nöthnitzer Str. 46 01187 Dresden Germany wolfgang.nagel@remove-this.tu-dresden.de |
 | Hans-Peter Bunge Geophysics / Geodynamics Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences LMU Munich University Theresienstr. 41 80333 München Germany hans-peter.bunge@remove-this.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de |
 | Christian Lengauer Department of Informatics and Mathematics Chair for Programming University of Passau Innstr. 33 94032 Passau Germany Christian.Lengauer@remove-this.uni-passau.de |
 | Sabine Roller ZIMT Centre for information and media technology University of Siegen Hölderlinstr. 3 57076 Siegen Germany sabine.roller@remove-this.uni-siegen.de |
 | Dörte Sternel Scientific Computing TU Darmstadt Dolivostr. 15 64293 Darmstadt Germany sternel@remove-this.fnb.tu-darmstadt.de |
| Takayuki Aoki Global Scientific Information and Computing Center Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 i7-3 O-okayama, Meguro-ku Tokyo 152-8550 Japan taoki@remove-this.gsic.titech.ac.jp |
| Nahid Emad Maison de la Simulation and LI-PARAD Laboratory University of Versailles 45, Av. des États-Unis 78035 Versailles Cedex France nahid.emad@remove-this.uvsq.fr |