You can download a preliminary version of the programme here.
The book of abstracts is available here.
The slides of the speakers can be found in the following. Further material on the SPPEXA Smyposium (Gender workshop, Plenary Assembly) can be found on the internal pages (Documents->SPPEXA Symposium 2016).
Invited Speakers
G. Biros: Exascale N-body algorithms for data analysis and simulation
T. Aoki: Beyond Peta-scale on Stencil and Particle-based GPU Applications
C. Stewart: Exascale - on what dimension, and why?
S. Müthing
R. Milk: Advances concerning multiscale methods and uncertainty quantification in Exa-Dune
D. Ham
M. Kern: Space-time domain-decomposition methods for linear and non-linear diffusion problems
C. Schmitt: Systems of Partial Differential Equations in ExaSlang
A. Grebhahn: Performance Prediction of Multigrid-Solver Configurations
U. Meier Yang: Preparing hypre for Emerging Architectures
R. Schmid: Efficient Solvers for Density Functional Theory or Quantum Chemistry and Stencils?
J. Schröder
M. Lanser: Scalable Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Methods
M. Knepley: Convergence of Composed Nonlinear Iterations
U. Meier Yang: Increasing Scalability in Algebraic Multigrid for Elasticity
F. Jenko: Computational plasma physics at the exascale: Goals, obstacles, and new ideas
M. Heene
A. Parra Hinojosa: SDC-Resilient Algorithms Using the Sparse Grid Combination Technique
M. Huber: Resilience for Multigrid Software at the Extreme Scale
J. Weismüller: High performance mantle convection modeling
Z. Strakos: Krylov subspace methods and exascale computations: good match or lost case?
T. Heister
B. Uekermann: Partitioned Multi-Physics on Distributed Data via preCICE
V. Krupp
D. Keyes: Nonlinear Preconditioning and Multiphysics
H. Takizawa: A Code Transformation Approach to Achieving High Performance Portability
G. Hager: Performance Engineering for Algorithmic Building Blocks in the GHOST library
E. Chow: Fine-grained Parallel Algorithms for Incomplete Factorization Preconditioning
H. Thornquist
H. Anzt: Feeding of the Thousands - Leveraging the GPU's Computing Power for Sparse Linear Algebra
J. Thies: Can Block Iterative Eigensolvers Fulfill their Performance Promise?
D. Unat: A Tiling Based Programming Model and Its Supportive Tools
T. Heller
T. Fuchs
D. Hünich: Tool Support for Developing DASH Applications
V. Springel: Exascale simulations of the magnetic universe (EXAMAG)
C. Klingenberg
P. Helluy: Task-based parallelization of a transport Discontinuous Galerkin solver.
N. Yoshida: Multi-Component Cosmological Simulations: Collisional and Collisionless Fluids
C. Weinhold: FFMK: Building an Exascale Operating System
A. Reinefeld: Fast In-Memory Checkpointing with POSIX API for Legacy Exascale-Applications
R. Riesen: HPC Operating System Design
M. Bussmann: The Power of Performant Code Abstraction in Real World HPC Applications
J. Vetter: Exploring Emerging Technologies in the Extreme Scale HPC Co-Design Space with Aspen
R. Vuduc: Performance understanding, further material can be found here
F. Wolf: Automatic Performance Modeling of HPC Applications
S. Reiter: Automated performance modeling of the UG4 simulation framework
I. Kabadshow: How to do nothing in less time
B. Kohnke
F. Noe: High-throughput molecular dynamics simulation and Markov modeling
P. Czodrowski: Should I Stay or Should I Go: Proton Transfer Revisited
L. Grasedyck
M. Neumüller
G. Queisser
New Projects
A. Knüpfer: Advanced Data Placement via Ad-hoc File Systems at Extreme Scales (ADA-FS)
J. Kunkel: Advanced Computation and I/O Methods for Earth-System Simulations
M. Kronbichler: ExaDG: High-order discontinuous Galerkin for the exa-scale
M.S. Müller