| Klaus Becker | |
Airbus Aerodynamic Strategies |
- Head Aerodynamic Strategies at Airbus
- Aerodynamics R&T activities
| George Biros | |
University of Texas at Austin |
- Professor of mechanical engineering at U Texas
- Leader of the ICES Parallel Algorithms for Data Analysis and Simulation Group
| Rupak Biswas | |
NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division |
- Chief of the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division
- Member of several inter-agency boards on advanced computing technologies
| Rob Schreiber | |
Hewlett Packard Labs |
- Assistant Director of the Exascale Computing Lab at HP
- Research in parallel algorithms for matrix computation at Stanford, RPI, MathWorks and others.
| Craig Stewart | |
Indiana University |
- Professor in Informatics Division at Indiana University
- Director of the Pervasive Technology Institute and Associate Dean for Research Technologies at Indiana University